Recipe: Cinnamon Danish

What’s on my mind? DANISH. MUST. MAKE. DANISH. I caught Martha Stewart making this delicacy on CreateTV during a workout, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it! For those of you who know my blog, you might be surprised I’m posting this recipe, but I love my weekly treats. Our family eats super healthy 90% of the time and 10% of the time we eat what we want. We’ve taught our child the difference between “growing food” and “treats” and we feel she has a healthy relationship with food because we don’t make anything completely off-limits. Also, I’m all about COOKING FROM SCRATCH, and so although this food might have sugar and refined flour, it won’t have artificial colors, artificial flavors nor preservatives which makes it much healthier than something bought in the store. Plus, baking is always a great opportunity to introduce chemistry in a dynamic way, as my child always helps out with the cooking.

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Brown Sugar-Cinnamon Danish

Photography: Bryan Gardner

Here is the recipe:
I can’t wait for the weekend to throw down this recipe! Usually we have pizza on the weekend as our refined-grain meal of the week, but we’ll be trading that in this weekend for this delicious monstrosity. Thanks Martha!
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